Functions in Perun2 do not cause any side effects.
Their only purpose is to return a value of certain data type.
The names of functions are insensitive to case size. User cannot define new functions.
structure | returns |
[function name] ( [arg1 value] ) |
return value |
[function name] ( [arg1 value], [arg2 value] ) |
return value |
[function name] ( [arg1 value], [arg2 value], ... ) |
return value |
Generic functions can operate on multiple data types.
name | arguments | returns |
first |
(value collection) |
value |
Find the first value of the collection. If the collection is empty, then an empty value is returned.
name | arguments | returns |
last |
(value collection) |
value |
Find the last value of the collection.
name | arguments | returns |
random |
() |
number |
(number) |
number |
(string) |
string |
(value collection) |
value |
When called without any argument, it returns a random fractional value between 0 and 1.
Function called with a floating-point argument behaves the same, but with different upper limit.
If the argument is an integer, then returned is a random integer between 0 and this value minus one bound including.
Function called with a string returns its random character.
Finally, if the argument is a collection, then returned is a random element from it.
Randomness in all cases is described either by the discrete uniform distribution or continuous uniform distribution.
name | arguments | returns |
any |
(list) |
bool |
Check if a collection contains at least one element.
name | arguments | returns |
anyinside |
(definition) |
bool |
Check if current element is a directory and it contains at least one element generated by a definition.
name | arguments | returns |
contains |
(string, string) |
bool |
(value collection, value) |
This function can be used for two purposes: to check whether a string (arg1) contains another string (arg2) or whether a collection contains a value.
Ends With
name | arguments | returns |
endswith |
(string, string) |
bool |
Check if a string (arg1) ends with another string (arg2).
name | arguments | returns |
exist |
(list) |
bool |
Check if all mentioned files and directories exist.
name | arguments | returns |
exists |
(string) |
bool |
Check if a mentioned file or directory exists.
name | arguments | returns |
existinside |
(list) |
bool |
Check if current element is a directory and all files and directories with mentioned names exist inside it.
name | arguments | returns |
existinside |
(string) |
bool |
Check if current element is a directory and a file or a directory with mentioned name exist inside it.
name | arguments | returns |
findtext |
(string) |
bool |
Check if current element is a file and it contain certain text phrase (case sensitive).
name | arguments | returns |
isbinary |
(string) |
bool |
Check if a string consists of ones are zeros.
name | arguments | returns |
isdigit |
(string) |
bool |
Check if all characters of a string are digits.
name | arguments | returns |
ishex |
(string) |
bool |
Check if a string contains only hexadecimal characters (0-9|a-f|A-F).
name | arguments | returns |
isletter |
(string) |
bool |
Check if all characters of a string are letters.
name | arguments | returns |
islower |
(string) |
bool |
Check if all letters of a string are lowercase.
name | arguments | returns |
isnan |
(number) |
bool |
Check if a number is NaN.
name | arguments | returns |
isnever |
(time) |
bool |
Check if a time is never. Never value is a time equivalent of numerical NaN. It represents wrong or missing moments in time.
name | arguments | returns |
isnumber |
(string) |
bool |
Check if a string could be converted into a valid number. Potential suffixes are not taken into account.
Function returns false if a string contains any character that is not a digit, dot nor minus sign.
name | arguments | returns |
isupper |
(string) |
bool |
Check if all letters of a string are uppercase.
name | arguments | returns |
startswith |
(string, string) |
bool |
Check if a string (arg1) starts with another string (arg2).
name | arguments | returns |
absolute |
(number) |
number |
Absolute value of a number.
name | arguments | returns |
ceil |
(number) |
number |
Return the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to a number.
name | arguments | returns |
count |
(list) |
number |
Count elements in a collection.
name | arguments | returns |
countinside |
(definition) |
number |
Count elements defined by a definition inside a current element (provided it is a directory).
name | arguments | returns |
floor |
(number) |
number |
Return the greatest integer that is less than or equal to a number.
name | arguments | returns |
frombinary |
(string) |
number |
Convert a string consisting of zeros and ones into a number. Return NaN if the string contains any other character. Fractional values are not supported.
name | arguments | returns |
fromhex |
(string) |
number |
Convert a string with a hexadecimal number into a normal decimal number. Return NaN if the string contains any not allowed character. Fractional values are not supported.
name | arguments | returns |
length |
(string) |
number |
Get length of a string.
name | arguments | returns |
number |
(string) |
number |
Convert a string into a number. Return NaN in case of a failure. Suffixes are not taken into account and they cause a failure.
name | arguments | returns |
power |
(number, number) |
number |
Return a number (arg1) to the power of another number (arg2).
name | arguments | returns |
resemblance |
(string, string) |
number |
This function returns a fractional value between 0 and 1.
It performs the
resemblance algorithm on its arguments.
Returns zero if arguments do not share any common character.
Returns one if a string (arg1) is already a substring of the other string (arg2) while following the rules of the Resembles operator for character equality.
name | arguments | returns |
round |
(number) |
number |
Round a number to the nearest integer.
name | arguments | returns |
shiftmonth |
(time, number) | number |
(number, number) |
Take a month as a number (arg1) and shift it by another number (arg2).
Function can take a negative second argument and they all are treated as integers.
Numbers can wrap around. For example, value 11 (November) shifted by 4 becomes 3 (March).
name | arguments | returns |
shiftweekday |
(time, number) | number |
(number, number) |
Take a day of the week as a number (arg1) and shift it by another number (arg2).
As in Shift Month, numbers are integers, can wrap around and be negative. For example, value 1 (Monday) shifted by -2 becomes 6 (Saturday).
name | arguments | returns |
sign |
(number) |
number |
If a number is negative, return -1.
If a number is 0, return 0.
Otherwise return 1.
name | arguments | returns |
size |
(list) |
number |
Calculate the total size of all files and directories.
name | arguments | returns |
sqrt |
(number) |
number |
Square root of a number.
name | arguments | returns |
truncate |
(number) |
number |
Cut off fractional part from a number.
Aggregate functions are a special kind of numeric functions.
They all return a number and can take any amount of arguments (at least one).
Arguments are restricted to only two data types: number and numeric list.
Any NaN argument make the result NaN.
average |
max |
min |
median |
sum |
name | arguments | returns |
christmas |
(number) |
time |
Return 24 December of certain year.
name | arguments | returns |
clock |
(number, number) |
time |
(number, number, number) |
Create a new clock. Arguments are the same as in the declaration of a clock constant.
data types.
name | arguments | returns |
date |
(number, number, number) |
time |
Create a new date. Arguments are: day, month, year.
name | arguments | returns |
easter |
(number) |
time |
Return the day of Easter of certain year.
name | arguments | returns |
newyear |
(number) |
time |
Return the moment of certain New Year. Hours, minutes and seconds are included and set to 0.
name | arguments | returns |
time |
(number, number) |
time |
(number, number, number) |
(number, number, number, number, number) |
(number, number, number, number, number, number) |
Create a new time. Arguments are the same as in the declaration of a time constant.
See data types.
name | arguments | returns |
duration |
(list) |
period |
Calculate the total duration of all files.
name | arguments | returns |
after |
(string, string) |
string |
Get the part of the base string (arg1) that stays after the first occurence of the string (arg2) inside the base string (arg1).
name | arguments | returns |
afterdigits |
(string) |
string |
Get the part of the string that stays after the first consecutive series of digits.
name | arguments | returns |
afterletters |
(string) |
string |
Get the part of the string that stays after the first consecutive series of letters.
name | arguments | returns |
before |
(string, string) |
string |
Get the part of the base string (arg1) that stays before the first occurence of the string (arg2) inside the base string (arg1).
name | arguments | returns |
beforedigits |
(string) |
string |
Get the part of the string that stays before the first existing digit.
name | arguments | returns |
beforeletters |
(string) |
string |
Get the part of the string that stays before the first existing letter.
name | arguments | returns |
binary |
(number) |
string |
Represent a number in the binary form. Fractional values are not supported.
name | arguments | returns |
capitalize |
(string) |
string |
Make all words start with a capital letter. Remaining letters are transformed into lowercase.
name | arguments | returns |
concatenate |
(value, ...) |
string |
Merge multiple elements into one string.
name | arguments | returns |
digits |
(string) |
string |
Take all digits from a string.
name | arguments | returns |
fill |
(string, number) |
string |
If a string (arg1) is shorter than a desired length (arg2), then zeros are added at the beginning of the string to fill the difference.
Use this function to convert integers into strings with constant length. For example: 001, 002, ... 021, 022.
name | arguments | returns |
hex |
(number) |
string |
Represent a number in the hexadecimal form with lowercase letters. Fractional values are not supported.
name | arguments | returns |
join |
(list, string) |
string |
Combine all elements of a list (arg1) into one string using a separator (arg2).
name | arguments | returns |
left |
(string, number) |
string |
Take certain amount of characters (arg2) from a string (arg1). This is done starting from left.
name | arguments | returns |
letters |
(string) |
string |
Take all letters from a string.
name | arguments | returns |
lower |
(string) |
string |
Change all letters in a string to lowercase.
name | arguments | returns |
monthname |
(number) |
string |
Get English name of certain month. January is 1, December is 12.
name | arguments | returns |
parent |
(string) |
string |
Get absolute path to the location certain element directly is in.
name | arguments | returns |
path |
(string) |
string |
If the function is called with one string argument, it returns absolute path to certain element.
name | arguments | returns |
path |
(string, string...) |
string |
If the function contains at least 2 string arguments, it combines multiple filesystem path segments into one path.
If certain element is an absolute path, it becomes a new base for the path and all previous arguments are ignored.
An invalid or empty argument turns the final result into empty string.
name | arguments | returns |
raw |
(string) |
string |
Change all letters to their raw latin form. All diacritical and combining marks are removed from the characters.
In addition, turn every ß to ss, every æ to ae and every œ to oe (and their uppercase variants).
Letter case is preserved.
name | arguments | returns |
repeat |
(string, number) |
string |
Repeat a string (arg1) certain amount of times (arg2).
name | arguments | returns |
replace |
(string, string, string) |
string |
Replace every occurence of a string (arg2) inside a string (arg1) with a new value (arg3).
name | arguments | returns |
reverse |
(string) |
string |
Reverse a string.
name | arguments | returns |
right |
(string, number) |
string |
Take certain amount of characters (arg2) from a string (arg1). This is done starting from right.
name | arguments | returns |
roman |
(number) |
string |
Express a number as roman literals. Works only for numbers smaller than 5 million.
Large numbers use the vinculum system.
Fractions are also expressed, but the smallest unit is the ounce (one twelfth).
name | arguments | returns |
size |
(list) |
string |
Count total size of all mentioned files and directories.
name | arguments | returns |
string |
(bool) |
string |
(number) |
(time) |
(period) |
Convert certain value into a string.
This function seems to be pointless as Perun2 performs automatic data type casts.
However, there are still several use cases for it.
For example, it is necessary to apply this function in order to differentiate string concatenation from arithmetic summation.
name | arguments | returns |
substring |
(string, number) |
string |
(string, number, number) |
This functions can be called in two ways: with two or three arguments.
Two-argument subtring returns a string (arg1) excluding certain amount of characters (arg2) from the beginning.
On the other hand, the same function called with three arguments returns certain amount of characters (arg3) from a string (arg1) starting at position (arg2).
Like everywhere else, indexing is zero-based.
name | arguments | returns |
trim |
(string) |
string |
Remove whitespace characters from the beginning and end of the string.
name | arguments | returns |
upper |
(string) |
string |
Change all letters in a string to uppercase.
name | arguments | returns |
weekday |
(number) |
string |
Get English name of certain day of the week. Monday is 1, Sunday is 7.
name | arguments | returns |
characters |
(string) |
list |
Transform a string into a list of characters.
name | arguments | returns |
numbers |
(string) |
numeric list |
Find all integers inside a string.
name | arguments | returns |
split |
(string, string) |
list |
Divide a string (arg1) by a separator (arg2).
name | arguments | returns |
words |
(string) |
list |
Divide a string into words. Every word is a consecutive series of letters.