
Perun2 features five types of exceptions. They are presented below.

No location error

Current working location does not exist anymore.
Process return code: 4

Command-line errors

You can encounter these errors if you run Perun2 using its command-line interface. They are caused by improper or missing arguments.
Process return code: 3

Syntax errors

Syntax errors arise when source code cannot be interpreted properly. Detected unevitable runtime errors also throw syntax errors. Syntax errors exit the Perun2 process before any command has been executed.
Process return code: 2

Runtime errors

A new runtime error can be called artificially by the command error.
Process return code: 1

Command exceptions

Command exceptions include failures of core commands. They result, among others, from a permission denial, a filesystem path colisions or an absence of file system elements. Perun2 expects them and they are harmless to its process. The only result is omission of certain command and an exception message written in log.